An Invitation

We would like to invite you to join us in praying for all of our priests and clergy.  Please feel free to forward this to any others that you think may want to participate.  Regardless of how you heard about us, please send a text to (607)259-1529 or an email to if you are interested in joining us. I’ll be sending an email or text at least weekly with prayers, novenas, etc., so let me know how you would prefer to receive notifications

We are a small informal prayer group made up of faithful Catholics, praying for the sanctification of our Church and our clergy, both here and abroad.  We are doing this in a few different ways.

We will be praying a series of novenas, beginning every other Wednesday.  I’ll send a notification for each one.

Some of us will be fasting on Thursdays for our priests.  It would also be wonderful if some of us could get together once a month to pray a Rosary or a Divine Mercy Chaplet.  We could consider sending cards of encouragement and gratitude to our local priests for their day on the calendar as well.
We are open to any and all suggestions that will help strengthen our Church and our current priests, and will increase new vocations to the priesthood.

Let the praying begin!
God bless,
Laurie Desmarais & Elena Cambio

3 thoughts on “An Invitation

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  1. Thank you friends, Laurie and Elena. I will celebrate Mass every Thursday at 1.00pm to join you in your good apostolate towards the Priests.

    Fr.Sylvanus, Uganda


  2. I am a member of St. Michael’s Parish in Canton, Pa. 17724. We have a small group who pray the Rosary at 9:30 every Friday for the priests of the world. It would be nice to join a larger group with the same devotion intentions. Do you have info via mail that I could share with our small group (7) and our Altar and Rosary Society?
    Peace, Rosemary Fitzwater 4501 Rt 154 Canton, Pa. 17724


    1. Rosemary, God bless you in your ministry! I’ve been down to your church many times. St. John Nepomucene as well, and I love them both. I’m actually planning on trying to add the diocese of Scranton to our site as well, but am having a hard time figuring out the best way to make that happen.

      I’d be happy to send you some business cards. We do our outreach online, wanting to reach as far as possible. Feel free to poke around the site. Do you, or any in your group, have an email address you’d like me to add to our mailing list? We email out prayers every weekend, and a novena every other Tuesday. Don’t worry – we’ll never sell or share our mailing list.

      Have a blessed week,


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